
Auditor and Auditee communication: the exportable factors key

Written by Chiara Collacciani

Gate Sunday.

Hey there, it is the Captain Colly who speaks to you: as promised in the previous Gate Tuesday here we are for the second boarding pass in a week. Attention please, before takeoff some important informations: the next and third boarding pass will wait you on Monday 26 with a special new selection of contents to read during the flight ! Just a week to unpack and pack.

Flight time respected.

Do you know that there is a world of behaviour techniques for an useful interaction between an Auditor and the Audited function? The communication that is established between both can be considered almost critical for the success of the Audit.

Actually, on second thought, a good and healthy interaction between individuals is applicable and reversible in any context, be it work or personal.

Focusing on Aviation Audit framework it is necessary:

  • understand the information exchanged
  • put our interlocutor at ease

Consequently is recommended following the intentions to:

  • eliminate fears
  • explain the purposes
  • maintain the audited function advised of eventual observations

Good Colly good but it’s not all so easy!

True, how many obstacles are there? Some, as the ones related to the physical, intellectual and emotional aspects.

The phycal:

  • “Today for the Steward T. is a very difficult day, he feels tired, he’s worried about the recent home expenses and doesn’t appreciate the air conditioning on board”.

The intellectual:

  • “Did you know the new Ramp Agent M.? I know that before this job she was working in a Hotel. I’m sure she will be a waster”.

The emotional:

  • “I met the Captain that will fly with me for the next week, he seems so serious and makes me very uncomfortable”.

Ladies and gentleman move past the clouds, this is a game changer! Try to perceive and apply the key factors to build an effective communication, in our case related to the Audit context mentioned at the beginning, with an appropriate use of:

  • Space around us (choice of location, assessment of interferences)
  • Time for performing it (schedule in advance the activity, identify times for opening, closing as well as breaks)
  • Establish and maintain the eye contact, in order to preserve focus and avoid distractions
  • Body language (posture, face expression, gesture, tone of voice)

Homework before our second landing: around you, in the work or daily life, observe how people interact with each other. See their transactions and if something goes wrong try to understand why.

Understand to prevent.

Thanks for flying with Colly

About the author

Chiara Collacciani