General aviation

Quiz Winter 2020: Review of Quiz 1

We are happy to bring to our participants the overall review of the first Quiz in Winter 2020 edition which was open from Monday 30 November until Thursday 3rd December spanning over 72 hours.

Our team with Ing. Victor Manuel del Castillo and Daniel Bustamente, both from Mexican company “Safety Management System México” created an initial set of 20 questions based on ICAO Document 9859 and Annex 19 that describes Safety Management System in aviation.

The structure was similar to Summer edition of the Quiz with notable changes. Our development team at Inxelo Technologies adopted new question types as well as new use-case questions which were the most interesting from the feedback we received in summer.

Taking this into account, the first quiz was about experimenting the mix of summer edition questions with new questions in our database. The topic of the first quiz which we named “Alpha” was about the basic aviation safety knowledge.


  • 20 questions from our SMS database
  • time limit to 30 minutes
  • 1 bonus question where participants were able to write their own answer
  • 43 registered participants worldwide played the Quiz, while 39 have successfully completed it


Overall result was as anticipated, higher than all the other quizzes we had in summer, due to the fact that the topic of this Quiz was more about basic knowledge. However, what is interesting is that while we received many good results ranging from 80-90%, no-one managed to get pass 90% threshold. The average duration of the Quiz was 16min 56sec which admittedly was significantly higher than average time from quizzes before, meaning that participants now took more time to think and find the answer.

The average score on 39 participants is 71.53% and here you can see the distribution of scores between the score groups:

Quiz 1 participants scores grouped by percentage zones

In the distribution graph above, we can see that the group with most participants is the one between 80-90% that improved overall average score. Interestingly, we had also several participants in the lowest group 30-40% while having a gap between that group and the ones who scored more than 50%. What is a great achievement is having several mini winners in this Quiz as surprisingly there were 7 participants with maximum 90% score (Participants: Alf, Paulis, HarisLy, Ksmith, willie, thefodfather and GheorgheOprea). Congratulations to everyone who participated as well as the top scorers in this round for their great effort!


An interesting statistic has shown the relation between correct and incorrect answers. We have made a screenshot of the statistics for both parts and have made a highlight of each.

The easiest questions by statistics were:

  • 10. Safety goals are important in SMS implementation. Which of these statements is correct? (everyone answered correctly)
  • 11. Safety Performance Indicators are used to monitor and assess safety performance. True or false? (37/39 correct)
  • 7. P1 (yellow color) is taxiing while aircraft P2 (blue color) crosses the runway without authorization. What type of the incident is this? (36/39 correct)

Quiz Winter 2020 – ‘Alpha’ correct answers by sequence of questions


More interestingly, we have created a statistical graph of the hardest questions or least correct answers. We have made a screenshot of the statistics here with top 3 hardest questions:

  • 13. The image shows an event that occurred on June 14, 2020 between two A320 aircraft at Pulkovo Airport in Saint Petersburg, the left winglet of an Airbus A320neo (reg. VP-BWC) from S7 Airlines collided with the APU of an Ural Airlines A320 (reg. VP-BDL) during taxiing of both aircraft. Determine from the SMS perspective: What type of event is in accordance with ICAO Annex 13? (only 11/39 correct)
  • 4. Who determines the “Acceptable Level” within an Operational Safety System? (only 18/39 correct)
  • 12. What is the continuation bias in SMS? (only 19/39 correct)

Quiz Winter 2020 – ‘Alpha’ incorrect answers by sequence of questions

The biggest confusion was made by the question 13th where our participants had to answer whether the event was accident, incident or serious incident. We had an interesting discussion with one of our participants that pointed out the blurry differences between the types of such events. However, our partners who created the questions used ICAO standard and chose the reason for serious incident as it was a collision not classified as accidents. The difference between an accident and a serious incident lies only in the result. The statistics show that 11 answered “serious incident” that was set as correct answer and majority of answers were “incident” with 22 answers. One of our participants summed up nicely this problem: “The lines are very blurred, so much so that there is a global meeting every year at ICAO to classify between accidents and serious incidents.”

The other interesting question was number 4. We have repeated the same question on the number 4 and number 17. Interestingly number 17 scored a little better than number 4. Also, we received a feedback here as well “ICAO standards also require that the Acceptable Level of Safety Performance (ALoSP) to be achieved is established by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).” Our question creator responded “The participant is in the right path but, in the question doesn’t says is about DOC9859 its about any SMS, because always the acceptable level will be designated by the operator, my acceptable level is not the same as other air operator, and the ALoSP are different.”. Here the answer statistics is more equal with “The corresponding Aeronautical Authority” answer for 18 people and 18 answers for “The Operator” answer that was set as correct.


The bonus question for the first quiz in Winter 2020 edition was: ‘Name as many as you can emerging safety risks due to COVID-19 pandemic? (you can use on any air operator such as airport, airline etc.) ”

Some of the best answers:

“spread of virus, revenue loss due to decreased flying, loss of proficiency (pilots), lack of oversight due to homeoffice and less audits/monitoring” (ksmith)

“Increase number of controls in Airport before departure. Mask use for every passengers, biosecurity equipment for detection.” (javierlist)

“lack of staff training for COVID-19 countermeasures, poor standard checkin procedures, lack of information to pax, lack of sanitizing equipment, time pressure (TAT), missing or expired PCR” (milosevic)

“impact on crew training and checking, lack of aviation authority proper oversight, impact on mental health of safety personal ” (dvucic)

“For safety you can prevent same risk by maintaining distance between passengers, forcing to use mask at all times, cleaning hands with alcohol, cleaning as much as you can the aircraft at lease one every flight, and one deep after the day service.” (pilotfalvarez)

“Flight crew mental fatigue due to stress of pandemic, possibility to have confirmed cases onboard due to the fact that tests can be fake and no control is in place.” (GheorgheOprea)

“* Economic losses.
* Lack of personnel to carry out maintenance tasks.
* Outdated manuals
* Fatigue
* Deficiencies in training” (Sarita2cata)


Thank you for reading the review of the first Quiz in this edition. We continue with the 2nd Quiz next week from Monday 1400 UTC. The topic of the next Quiz is Aviation Compliance.

About the author

Inxelo Technologies

Inxelo Technologies Ltd. is a company that core-business is software development in aviation industry.
Our mission is to provide quality software solutions to any air operator and improve their operations.
The software solutions we create for our customers are in various fields in aviation such as safety management system and compliance management system.