When we understand that fulfilling the paperwork to obtain a AOC (Aviation Operation Certificate) is an obligation and not a grace, then we will understand that having a certificate of operation is not a guarantee that operators are complying with international safety standards.
Likewise, having an SMS Manual and some more or less covered chapters, it is not a guarantee that the operator is safe, having safety is not just a question of roles, it is a question of training, culture, integrity, discipline and honesty from the CEO down to the most modest of the employees of the entire organization -yes all of them-.
“The #SMS is not a guarantee to avoid aviation accidents; it is a guarantee that all the personnel – yes all the personnel – have acquired, understood, applied and divulged the concept SAFETY “.
By the way, what does it mean implemented? It is the state of a specification that is being activated, integrated, incorporated, displayed and installed, available as part of an operational system; likewise monitored and evaluated as necessary for continuous effectiveness.
When you have the seven (7) variables marked with bold, then you will have your SMS IMPLEMENTED, meanwhile, do not make illusions.